PlanPhilly | Commonwealth Court to rule on Church of the Assumption


PlanPhilly | Commonwealth Court to rule on Church of the Assumption

Last week, attorneys for the City and for Callowhill Neighborhood Association made arguments before a panel of Commonwealth Court judges in the ongoing battle over the Church of the Assumption, a Catholic Church building at 12th and Spring Garden streets that was constructed in the 1850s and placed on the city’s historic register in 2009.

In 2010, the Philadelphia Historical Commission granted permission to demolish to the building’s owner, Siloam, a nonprofit group that serves people affected by HIV/AIDS. Since then, the case has been appealed to the Board of L&I Review, the Court of Common Pleas, and the Commonwealth Court.

The attorneys, Sam Stretton for CNA and Andrew Ross representing the Historical Commission, were given 7-½ minutes each to argue before Commonwealth Court on Thursday morning, plus some back and forth with the judges, according to Andy Palewski, who wrote the church’s nomination for historic certification. The Court’s decision could come down any time in the next one to six months, said Andy Ross.

PlanPhilly | Commonwealth Court to rule on Church of the Assumption.

Walking the Eraserhood: 11th and Green Streets

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“Walking the Eraserhood” represents an ongoing street-level exploration of the Callowhill district and surrounding environs, a sort of virtual walking tour of the neighborhood.

See the small row of homes on the southeast corner, tucked in to the fold of the former Independence Press building.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Bob Bruhin. All rights reserved.

View Walking the Eraserhood in a larger map



Railway Station. photogravure. 1939.

so excited about “Léger: Modern Art and the Metropolis” opening at the Philadelphia Museum of Art! “As the first painter to take as his idiom the imagery of the Machine Age, and to make the objects of consumer society the subjects of his paintings, Léger has been called a progenitor of Pop art.” Machine Age brought to the world by Philadelphia, Pa, of course!


Philly Bricks: Trade Unions: Strategize or Disappear


Philly Bricks: Trade Unions: Strategize or Disappear

As trade union members still protest at the site of Post Brothers’ Goldtex Apartments, things are getting a bit, well, sad.

They’ve clearly switched from targeting the construction crew and general public to targeting potential renters. Their latest stunt has included a couple mannequins in white decontamination suits with signs suggesting that the site is infested with mold.

Of course without proof this might be considered slanderous, but why bother? The fact that the unions are trying to deter renters means they’ve ceded to the notion that the building will be rented.

At this point, what is their end game? What resolve will satisfy the few who continue to protest?

Philly Bricks: Trade Unions: Strategize or Disappear.

Assumption Arguments Tomorrow In Commonwealth Court | Hidden City Philadelphia


Assumption Arguments Tomorrow In Commonwealth Court | Hidden City Philadelphia

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania will hear oral arguments in the case of the former Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary tomorrow, Thursday, October 10th. The hearing for the Callowhill Neighborhood Association’s appeal of the historic church’s demolition approval will take place in Courtroom 1 of the Widener Building at 1339 Chestnut Street.

Assumption Arguments Tomorrow In Commonwealth Court | Hidden City Philadelphia.