Hello members, Neighbors and Friends
As we await the official result on the Callowhill BID …
An article from Philly.com https://www.inquirer.com/news/callowhill-bid-squilla-victory-win-arts-crafts-holdings-20190830.html
Please join Callowhill Neighborhood Association and Friends of the Rail Park for the
2019 Fall Neighborhood Clean Up on Sept 21 (not Sept 14, the previous “save the date”)

Everyone is welcome to a Public Town Hall Meeting with State Senator Larry Farnese and State Representative Mary Isaacson – Oct 14. 7:30 pm at Azavea. If you have specific issues you’d like to discuss with our representative let us know.

Please share and post both fliers with your neighbors.
Thank you
Callowhill Neighborhood Association
[email protected]