The real honey locusts have a certain feature to them, a characteristic trait that would make them the perfect Hallowe’en tree…the kind of tree that belongs in a Poe story.
I know where such a honey locust stand exists…and it’s not far at all from the Poe house on 8th and Spring Garden.
I decided to walk there…and, while I was headed there anyway, I decided to wend my way through the surrounding neighborhood….this neighborhood between 8th Street and Broad Street, between Spring Garden and the Vine Street Expressway.
What’s this neighborhood called?  It’s sometimes called the Loft District.  Sometimes you’ll see it called North Chinatown.  Most of the time, it’s just called Callowhill, named after Callowhill Street, which itself is named after William Penn’s second wife, Hannah Callowhill.
But I prefer its new name.




Thursday, April 25, 2013, 10:00 PM
BUNYIP THE MOVIE World Premiere!
w/ Director Gavin Hecker in attendance.

Filmed while conducting a scientific research expedition in the expansive outback of Australia, BUNYIP THE MOVIE is engulfed in both prevailing political debate and historic legend.  Funded by a government grant, Dr. Nick Jenson and Bunyip enthusiast Lindsay Farland search the continent far and wide for the elusive and possibly dangerous creature.  Trailing them with camera in hand is a rather eccentric and not always reliable assistant who has been generously bestowed upon the team by the Australian Minister for Environment.  Their journeys take them from the wild forests of Tasmania to the magnificent Ningaloo Reef of Western Australia and what they discover may be more than they ever bargained for.  Dr. Jenson and his team’s efforts to finally prove the existence of the mythical Bunyip is a twisted tale filled with beauty, tragedy, and adventure.

Footage contained in this film was originally never intended to be seen by or distributed openly to the public.  Its release is in large part due to a lawsuit brought forth by the Australian Zoological Society and the Freedom of Information Act.

The soundtrack for BUNYIP THE MOVIE features Philly-area musicians Michael Trillions, The Armchairs, Thom McCarthy, Banned Books, and former Beaver Avenue member Aaron Radder as well as music by The Mattoid.

Advance tix are $10, no refunds or exchanges.

The Cinedelphia Film Festival is a Philly-centric celebration of Philly film running from April 4-27, 2013.

(via CFF: BUNYIP THE MOVIE World Premier)

BCC001: Robert Smithson + Nancy Holt: Earthworks
Public · By Black Circle Cinema
Wednesday, April 24 at 8:00PM
Aux Performance Space / Vox Populi Gallery
319 North 11th Street, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tickets: $7-10 sliding scale

In recognition of Earth Day, Black Circle Cinema is pleased to present two important films by two pioneers of land/environmental art. These two depictions of major works of earth art are just as stunning today as when they were first created. Smithson and Holt both deal with time and space on a grand scale and these films are a testament to their enduring vision.

This exhibition comes on the heels of JG, a new 35mm film project by Tacita Dean on view at the Arcadia University Art Gallery through Sunday, April 21. JG examines the connection between JG Ballard’s short story “The Voices of Time” and Spiral Jetty.

Spiral Jetty (dir. Robert Smithson, 1970, US, 16mm, 30’)
This film, made by the artist Robert Smithson, is a poetic and process minded film depicting a “portrait” of his renowned earthwork Spiral Jetty as it juts into the shallows off the shore of Utah’s Great Salt Lake. A voice-over by Smithson reveals the evolution of Spiral Jetty. Sequences filmed in a natural history museum are integrated into the film featuring prehistoric relics that illustrate themes central to Smithson’s work. A one minute section is filmed by Nancy Holt for inclusion in the film as Smithson wanted Holt to shoot the “earth’s history.” This idea came from a quote Smithson found: “the earth’s history seems at times like a story recorded in a book each page of which is torn into small pieces. Many of the pages and some of the pieces of each page are missing”. Smithson and Holt drove to the Great Notch Quarry in New Jersey, where he found a facing about 20 feet high. He climbed to the top and through handfuls of ripped pages from books and magazines over the edge of the facing as Holt filmed it.

Sun Tunnels (dir. Nancy Holt, 1978, US, 16mm, 27’)
Takes a close look at the many different processes involved in making art in the American landscape, away from urban centers and outside the usual art-world confines of museums and galleries. More specifically, it is a personal record of the making the filmmaker’s art-work Sun Tunnels in the remote northwest Utah desert. Being aligned with the sunsets and sunrises during the summer and winter solstices, the sculpture indicates the daily and yearly cycle of the sun. The sunlight, which changes slowly within the tunnels during the day, is speeded up, making available an experience of the work which is filmic in nature.

Black Circle Cinema is a monthly screening of 16mm avant garde films. This is Black Circle Cinema #001.

(via BCC001: Robert Smithson Nancy Holt: Earthworks)