MAY 6, 2013, 7pm , Underground Arts
There are 6 Board positions up for election. Board Members Robert Cheetham, Robert Hakalski, Joanne Kundrat, Joe Petry, Dennis Pilsits,and Gary Reuben are running for re-election.
Their nomination forms are posted on . Click on About Us and Board Elections to view.
Nominations will be accepted up to 5pm on May 1, 2013
The Election will be held on May 6 at 7 pm at Underground Arts, The Wolf Building, 1200 Callowhill St. Entrance on Callowhill
In order to run for the Board and/or vote in the election you must be a resident of business member of CNA and be up-to-date with your 2103 dues.
Resident and Business members are those who live , work or own property within the Callowhill boundaries
(north side Vine St. to north side Spring Garden St. , east side Broad St. to west side 8th St. )
Membership categories and dues:
Resident, $25.00 per year
Business (includes Property Owners), $50.00
Associate (supporters/neighbors who who live/work outside Callowhill) $15.00 ( Associate Members are not voting members of CNA)
If you are interested in running for the CNA Board please fill out a Board nomination form (below) and email it to [email protected]
Or download , fill out and mail the form to CNA 1115 Hamilton St. Phila. PA 19123. All nomination forms will be posted to the CNA website.
Voting members who are not able to attend the May 6 election meeting are welcome to vote by proxy email.
Ballots and brief bios of the candidates will be sent out via email on May 2. Proxy ballots must be received by 6:30 pm on May 6, 2013To serve on the CNA Board, you must live or work within the boundaries of CNA and be up to date with your membership dues.
Dues can be paid on our website,, by hitting the Donate button. After entering your info you will have the option to send additional info to the recipient (CNA), click there and let us know the donation is your 2013 annual dues. Or you can send a check payable to CNA to: 1115 Hamilton St Phila PA 19123
Callowhill Neighborhood Association
[email protected]