On Wednesday March 13 at 7pm, Reelblack, Philly’s #1 promoter of African-American film will host the Philadelphia Premiere of BETTER MUS’ COME, the latest release from AFFRM/Array. At the Asian Arts Initiative, 1219 Vine Street in Center City. This special ONE NIGHT ONLY EVENT is in advance of a week-long theatrical engagement in NY and LA.
Filmmaker STORM SAULTER will be in attendance for a post-film Q&A.
Community partners for this event are ASIAN ARTS INITIATIVE, ART SACTUARY, and BLACKSTAR FILM FESTIVAL. Admission is $10.00 adults | $8.00 students/seniors and Reelblack/Art Sanctuary members.
(via BETTER MUS’ COME – Philly Premiere w/ Storm Saulter in… – Eventbrite)