A vampiric cook. A mummy in a closet. The ghost of a wet-nurse. An elderly enigma set on revenge. And a messianic student who stumbles into the collapsing web of cruelty, greed, and lies uniting these characters. Join the struggle for salvation in this eccentric and immersive adaption of Strindberg.


Homunculus, Inc. (the company that brought Woyzeck to last year’s Fringe) is a collaborative community of artists that re-frames and re-imagines texts that explore humanity’s phenomenological experience. We pledge to maintain five tenets of (our) theatrical ethics: to never be didactic, to never be rote, to never be cavalier, to never be wasteful, and to always be prodigious.

9 dates from September 6 2012 – September 16 2012
PhilaMOCA, 531 North 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123

(via Ghost Sonata by Homunculus, Inc. Tickets in Philadelphia, PA, United States)