Back home in Philly for their last U.S. date before embarking on their European tour, Kurt Vile and The Violators were greeted by a loving, sold-out crowd at Union Transfer Saturday night.

(via PHAWKER.COM – Curated News, Gossip, Concert Reviews, Fearless Political Commentary, Interviews….Plus, the Usual Sex, Drugs and Rock n’ Roll » Blog Archive » BEING THERE: Kurt Vile @ Union Transfer)

The structure was built in 1898 to cross the Reading Company’s rail tracks. Those tracks are long abandoned and with buildings fronting Broad Street on either side, the bridge today is invisible to the unknowing eye. 

Now, due to severe decay, the bridge needs to be replaced. That means the Callowhill to Noble portion of Broad Street will be impacted. In addition to affecting vehicular traffic, the project has implications for groups looking to reuse the area under and around the bridge for a linear park or bus rapid transit line. 

(via PlanPhilly | PennDOT to rebuild hidden Broad Street bridge)

The abandoned elevated railway lines that comprise the Reading Viaduct extend from Vine Street at 11th Street to Fairmount Avenue at 9th Street, with an east-west spur that connects the southern terminus of the viaduct to Broad Street. The railway viaduct began operating in the 1890s and ceased operation in 1984 upon opening of the Center City commuter rail connection. What is left of the viaduct is a section of elevated track atop a dramatic stone abutment that has been awkwardly severed at its southern and northern ends

At just over one mile in length, the viaduct park as envisioned will: connect a larger recreation network that includes the Schuylkill Banks, East Coast Greenway, and Delaware River Trail; fill a void in a neighborhood that is significantly underserved by existing park or green space; link the neighborhood to the existing and planned network of on-street bikeways; and reuse a remnant of the city’s industrial past. Comparable projects, such as the High Line in New York City and Promenade Plantée in Paris, have yielded a tremendous positive economic impact on surrounding land values and neighborhood investment.

(via Renew_Historic-Preservation.pdf)

TBA CON – Arrested Development Burlesque Art Show
Public · By TBA Con and philly comix jam
    Friday, May 31, 2013

TBA CON presents Arrested Development Burlesque Art-Show
Art Show 7:00-9:00 featuring members of the Philly Comix Jam and more!
Burlesque show
Doors at 10:00
Show at 11:00
Tickets $12 or $10 in costume
Starring :
Miss Rose
Hayley Jane
Miss Mary Wanna
Morrighan Oh Tulle
featuring Go-Go and Stage-Kitty’ing by
and your host
Cubby Altobelli

Best Costume & Chicken Dance Contest!


There’s always money in the Banana Stand!

531 N 12th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123

(via TBA CON – Arrested Development Burlesque Art Show)