Pulling a fast one…
from the Chicago Mail of September 19th 1891 – “A mile in 39.6 seconds or at the rate of over ninety miles per hour is the fastest run ever made by a railroad train says the Philadelphia Record. This unparalleled feat was accomplished yesterday on the Bound Brook railroad between Neshaminy Falls and Langhorne by engine No 206 drawing two ordinary coaches and President McLeod’s private car ‘Reading’ which is equal to two coaches in weight. Other miles were reeled off with speed as astonishing as this crack mile and at the end of the fly the world’s record was broken. From this day, all records must date from the memorable Bound Brook flight. …This run was made over the finest piece of track in the country, smooth and level, provided with 90lb steel rails and stone ballast. It belongs to the Philadelphia and Reading Company whose trains between Philadelphia and New York have made various records which have no parallel at all in England.”train departed from 9th & Green. VIADUCTgreene’s northeast end. Two years before the opening of Reading Terminal.
(via VIADUCTgreene)