In light of George Baselitz recent remarks about “women painters” in GalleristNY and the unyielding response to New York Times critic Ken Johnson’s preview of the exhibition The Female Gaze: Women Artists Making Their World and Now Dig This!: Art and Black Los Angeles 1960-1980 it’s clear that prejudice is still alive and kicking. So on Sunday, February 10, 4-6 p.m the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts will host a free Public Forum on Gender and Race in Contemporary Art. PAFA’s forum brings together members of the art community and the public for a lively debate around the following questions: What role does identity politics play in the contemporary art world? How do gender and race play into the art we make, the art we collect and exhibit, and the way we talk about the merits of a work of art?
Details: Sunday, February 10, 4-6 p.m., Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in the Samuel M. V. Hamilton Building, located at 128 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.